Monday, May 11, 2015


Time for some gut level honesty... Am I the only woman who cringes at 
Proverbs 31??? Our pastor referenced it in his Mother's Day sermon and bless his heart I know he meant it to be encouraging, but there is nothing like hearing the qualities of the perfect woman to leave you feeling a bit lacking. I mean let's be real here. There was a time that I got up while it was still night, but I gladly kissed that goodbye right around daylight savings "spring forward" and haven't looked back since. And what about that bit on idleness? I am pretty sure the sink full of dirty dishes that I blatantly ignored the other day disqualifies me on that one, not to mention the dirt on my living room floor from a tipped over flowerpot that may have stayed there for twelve twenty-four(ish!) hours. Don't even get me started on the linen outfits. I am far from Maria VonTrap in many regards, not the least of which is never being inspired to start a clothing line with my drapes. While I may have a secret desire to someday spin my own yarn I am quite sure that my family is thankful that I shop for their clothes! It isn't just Proverbs either, there are many beautiful and encouraging passages in the Bible that occasionally read like guilty verdicts in a courtroom.

So what's a girl to do when she reads all of the lovely words, but can't see past the dirty dishes, the overflowing stack of mail or the fight she just had with the kids/husband??? For me it comes down to reminding myself of what God's heart is towards me. He is not standing over me with a to do list marking off everything I have accomplished and throwing his hands up in frustration and storming away when I miss one. He is cheering me on! Encouraging me at every turn and delighting in my steps forward, as big or small as they may be. So thankful for His incredible love for us!

What I try to focus on is imperfect progress. Recognizing that while I might not be at the end goal yet, I am on my way towards it. And that my friend is enough! Because if we spend all of our time berating ourselves for not hitting the bulls eye we will completely miss the fact that we might only be off by one inch. In some areas there was a time when we wouldn't even be on the board which means we are improving! Let's give ourselves a cheer for hitting the target and then move forward with joy as we continue to hone in on that center goal. 

While God certainly does convict us when we are out of line, He doesn't grind us down into the dirt or bash us over the head with thoughts of failure and worthlessness. If we are reading the Bible with a condemning and discouraging voice in our heads we have stopped listening to the right source. It is time to recognize the lies and replace them with His truth. I am so thankful for my husband and community of friends and family who continually and lovingly remind me of this when things get rough!

Keep Dreaming!

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