Sunday, May 31, 2015


Is it just me or is there something so energizing about time with other women??? It's like you walk away with all of the good feelings in the world! I recently spent some time in a car with my family on our way home from vacation. It. Was. Wonderful. I'm not joking. My husband and I talked, dreamed and planned for hours!!! That was of course in between the millions of "Look mom!" "Look dad!" "Can I tell you a joke?" "Are we almost home?" "How long till we get home?"...... Hahaha. I was trying to figure out the difference, because although Jeremy is my very favorite person to talk to, there is a different dynamic that comes from spending time with other women.

I met with a small group of women for about two hours tonight and it was amazing! We talked, laughed and shared our hearts and thoughts about a few things. It made me think about my last post where I talked about how it is necessary to be seen and known by our community. I think that as women there is a part of us that thrives in those times where we can share, be heard and where value is placed on our words, our thoughts, our opinions. And not just heard in the sense that people can physically hear us, I think it goes deeper than that. We need to be understood. To be truly known. Because when you place importance on someone's words, thoughts, etc. you are saying that they are valuable. They have worth and meaning. And I think that is something that women crave. Value. Specifically from other women.

No matter how supportive our spouses, families, etc. might be there is a struggle to feel like enough. There are images all over the place exemplifying what we "should be" doing. Beautiful homes, updated kitchens, lean muscles, healthy meals, fashion trends, organization... That doesn't even touch the kid zone. Creative crafts, pinterest party themes, sports, dance classes, friends, chores, etc., etc., etc. The thing is no matter how much my husband understands me (freakishly well at times), he will never quite know how it feels to be a woman, and there is something so special about being cheered on by those in the same "role" as you. 

So here is to all women. In every season and walk of life. May you be seen, known, valued and cheered on by the women in your life. And may you do the same for them every chance you get. 

Keep Dreaming!

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