Sunday, May 31, 2015


Is it just me or is there something so energizing about time with other women??? It's like you walk away with all of the good feelings in the world! I recently spent some time in a car with my family on our way home from vacation. It. Was. Wonderful. I'm not joking. My husband and I talked, dreamed and planned for hours!!! That was of course in between the millions of "Look mom!" "Look dad!" "Can I tell you a joke?" "Are we almost home?" "How long till we get home?"...... Hahaha. I was trying to figure out the difference, because although Jeremy is my very favorite person to talk to, there is a different dynamic that comes from spending time with other women.

I met with a small group of women for about two hours tonight and it was amazing! We talked, laughed and shared our hearts and thoughts about a few things. It made me think about my last post where I talked about how it is necessary to be seen and known by our community. I think that as women there is a part of us that thrives in those times where we can share, be heard and where value is placed on our words, our thoughts, our opinions. And not just heard in the sense that people can physically hear us, I think it goes deeper than that. We need to be understood. To be truly known. Because when you place importance on someone's words, thoughts, etc. you are saying that they are valuable. They have worth and meaning. And I think that is something that women crave. Value. Specifically from other women.

No matter how supportive our spouses, families, etc. might be there is a struggle to feel like enough. There are images all over the place exemplifying what we "should be" doing. Beautiful homes, updated kitchens, lean muscles, healthy meals, fashion trends, organization... That doesn't even touch the kid zone. Creative crafts, pinterest party themes, sports, dance classes, friends, chores, etc., etc., etc. The thing is no matter how much my husband understands me (freakishly well at times), he will never quite know how it feels to be a woman, and there is something so special about being cheered on by those in the same "role" as you. 

So here is to all women. In every season and walk of life. May you be seen, known, valued and cheered on by the women in your life. And may you do the same for them every chance you get. 

Keep Dreaming!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015


The past few days we have been on our first big family vacation! The kids have been loving the time with their cousin, aunts, uncles, grandpa and grandma. The adults haven't missed out on the fun either. It has been wonderful to catch up on each other's lives. And hearing stories from Jeremy's childhood never hurts. ;)
It is fascinating to see the different dynamics that individuals bring to their family. The way unique personalities shape a group. The whole is forever changed by the one. It is the perfect example of community. How we fit together in all of our differences. We need each other. It is interesting how things can tie us together. Laughing over a funny joke or story. Working together making dinner and cleaning up. There is a camaraderie that develops in shared experiences. In letting yourself be seen and known.
It is necessary you know, to be seen and known by your community. It can feel vulnerable and scary, but you need it. We all do. We work better as a team. We are better versions of ourselves and we help others to be the same. That vulnerability can bring about some of the biggest grace lessons you will ever find. I love reading in the Bible about the relationships that Jesus had with people. He was intentional about getting involved. Not just on the surface but in the middle of some very intense situations. He placed such worth and value on people and relationship. I have so much to learn from His example in that area. So thankful for His grace in the process!
So back to vacation! =) For our family it has been a much needed pause after a hectic month. Like a long exhale. Letting go. Resting. Giving yourself time to recharge. The uninterrupted time together has been perfection!!! So thankful for it!!!
Here are some pictures of our fun from today!

Keep Dreaming! 

Saturday, May 16, 2015


"To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow." - Audrey Hepburn

It is to believe that new life can push it's way through the dry, broken, brown shell of what it used to be and transform into vibrant green shoots of hope. 

So here's to believing in tomorrow. To letting hope take root and grow deep in your heart. To trusting when it isn't easy and dreaming big when you don't see the reality of it. To truly living.

Because sometimes your greatest victory isn't on your worst battleground, but in the walking away and daring to live your life fully in the freedom that was won there. In knowing whose you are and making your stand each day in that knowing. 

It is raw, it is real and it is beautiful.

Keep Dreaming!

Monday, May 11, 2015


Time for some gut level honesty... Am I the only woman who cringes at 
Proverbs 31??? Our pastor referenced it in his Mother's Day sermon and bless his heart I know he meant it to be encouraging, but there is nothing like hearing the qualities of the perfect woman to leave you feeling a bit lacking. I mean let's be real here. There was a time that I got up while it was still night, but I gladly kissed that goodbye right around daylight savings "spring forward" and haven't looked back since. And what about that bit on idleness? I am pretty sure the sink full of dirty dishes that I blatantly ignored the other day disqualifies me on that one, not to mention the dirt on my living room floor from a tipped over flowerpot that may have stayed there for twelve twenty-four(ish!) hours. Don't even get me started on the linen outfits. I am far from Maria VonTrap in many regards, not the least of which is never being inspired to start a clothing line with my drapes. While I may have a secret desire to someday spin my own yarn I am quite sure that my family is thankful that I shop for their clothes! It isn't just Proverbs either, there are many beautiful and encouraging passages in the Bible that occasionally read like guilty verdicts in a courtroom.

So what's a girl to do when she reads all of the lovely words, but can't see past the dirty dishes, the overflowing stack of mail or the fight she just had with the kids/husband??? For me it comes down to reminding myself of what God's heart is towards me. He is not standing over me with a to do list marking off everything I have accomplished and throwing his hands up in frustration and storming away when I miss one. He is cheering me on! Encouraging me at every turn and delighting in my steps forward, as big or small as they may be. So thankful for His incredible love for us!

What I try to focus on is imperfect progress. Recognizing that while I might not be at the end goal yet, I am on my way towards it. And that my friend is enough! Because if we spend all of our time berating ourselves for not hitting the bulls eye we will completely miss the fact that we might only be off by one inch. In some areas there was a time when we wouldn't even be on the board which means we are improving! Let's give ourselves a cheer for hitting the target and then move forward with joy as we continue to hone in on that center goal. 

While God certainly does convict us when we are out of line, He doesn't grind us down into the dirt or bash us over the head with thoughts of failure and worthlessness. If we are reading the Bible with a condemning and discouraging voice in our heads we have stopped listening to the right source. It is time to recognize the lies and replace them with His truth. I am so thankful for my husband and community of friends and family who continually and lovingly remind me of this when things get rough!

Keep Dreaming!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Tonight is one of those evenings that I wish I could bottle up and save for a rainy day. The sunset is casting beautiful shadows and everything is melting into that dusky haze. The birds are raising a wonderful commotion and I can hear a tractor working in a field nearby. Someone has a bonfire lit creating that incredible smokey scent that is pure springtime. I just want to soak it all in.

They say that you can't truly appreciate something until you have went without it for a time.  That up until then you can experience it without understanding the depth that it has, and after you have lost it and then gained it again you will never view it the same way. The very essence of this evening is that for me. Peaceful. Quiet. Still. That deep sense of roots grounding you. Solid. Secure. Safe. I lived too long without it and the past few years of rediscovery have been incredible.  These moments are gifts. Meant to be savored and thoroughly enjoyed. Where time stands still and you breathe it in and you let it sink into the deepest parts of your soul. It is where dreams come alive.

So thankful for God who is good even when life shatters. Who heals and restores and pours His perfect love out for imperfect people. Whatever life looks like right now I promise you that is the truth.

Keep Dreaming!

Friday, May 1, 2015

All things green!

Ever since the snow melted, I have been waiting, impatiently biding my time, until we could plant our garden. The ground thawed, the weather started getting nicer and then......rain. And a lot of it. The grass was turning wonderful shades of green, flowers were blooming, the trees were finally starting to bud and yet I was frustrated! I had been planing for months (yes actual months). I had mapped out our garden several times, making sure that we had space for everything. I had revised our list of veggies from the first draft: "plant all the things!" to something a bit more realistic, for example - food we actually eat, and there it sat waiting for both the ground to dry out and a free time slot in our schedule. The longer it took for those two requirements to coincide the more concerned I became. What if we were too late? What if all of our plans were ruined? What if we missed our chance?

And yes I understand that this is way more drama than is necessary for gardening, but I feel like I do this with other things as well. There is a goal, a plan, something good is going to happen, but wait! Roadblock, detour, something unexpected, timeline gets delayed. Maybe for a week, or a month, or even worse - indefinitely. That's when it starts. What if it never happens? What if we missed our chance? What if all our plans are ruined? What if we were wrong?  

What does it all boil down to? Trust. If I trust God, a delay in my timeline is no big deal. If I trust God, my plans can be ruined and life can still be wonderful. If I trust God, what I want could never happen and I can still live a life greater than I could ever dream. Because one thing I know is this: God's plans will be accomplished and more specifically, in His timing (which is usually not mine). He doesn't fit in the box of human thoughts and schedules. His plans don't have an expiration date. And when we are truly seeking Him we can be wrong and He will still work everything together for our good and for His glory. When I trust Him all of the "what ifs" become irrelevant.

I feel as though I have been learning this trust lesson my entire life and I don't think it will stop anytime soon. You know what I love about it? That God in all of His greatness and majesty, reaches down into my life to connect with me. He could get frustrated, angry. He could throw all of the times He has been faithful in my face and demand that I trust Him, but instead He responds with compassion and tenderness every single time. He waits patiently for me to open my hands and willingly relinquish what is important to me, as insignificant as it may be, and that speaks love to me.

And yes we were finally able to start planting our garden. On one of the most beautiful evenings this spring. God is so good.

Keep Dreaming!