Thursday, April 23, 2015

The Weight of Motherhood

I found this quote when I was putting together our wedding photo book (yay!!!) and it has been stuck in my head ever since. Sometimes it seems like in motherhood everything just runs together, the fluid motion of days and nights, school, play, meals, etc. combining into one crazy beautiful life. Then there are the moments where the actual weight of what you are doing settles on you. Not in an overwhelming or oppressive way, but in the way that you get to glimpse the measure or value of something amazing. There is an awe about what you get to be a part of and a renewing of your purpose.  

This quote is one of those moments for me. I got a lot of advice when I was pregnant with my little ones and even more after they were born. One piece of wisdom that I remember most and that has been relevant through every season of life was from my Aunt Hope who shared 2 Peter 1:3. "By his divine power the Lord has given us everything we need for life and godliness through the knowledge of the one who called us by his own honor and glory."

Parenting definitely falls under those categories and that verse is a constant reminder that although I am not a perfect parent by any means, God has given me what I need for my individual children, each and every day. My job is not to worry, stress, or get caught up in feelings of failure or defeat, but to lean into Him and trust. I don't know about you but leaning and trusting do not come naturally to me. It isn't my first thought when life gets crazy and things don't go according to plan. Trust, like many other worthwhile things, has to be fought for. Sometimes it feels like you are walking steadily through that fight and other times it feels like it will take everything you have just to drag yourself to the other side. Trust is a choice. You have to plan to do it, it will not accidentally happen. It is a deliberate decision to yield your will, your control, knowing that no matter what you may see His plan is always better.

Sometimes I succeed and other times I fail completely. Thankful for His grace that covers us! So remember that today, whether your family looks like a hallmark commercial, a big hot mess or somewhere in between! You are doing good work. You are making a difference. You are the perfect person to parent your children and He has already given you everything you need. Lean on Him!

Keep Dreaming!

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