Sunday, April 19, 2015

It's the little things...

So this happened a couple of days ago... =)

This was actually something that I was ridiculously excited about doing! I may or may not have called my husband (who grew up with this sort of thing) to make sure that the weather was right and to check hanging technique, because heaven forbid I make rookie washline mistakes. Lol! I may have gotten a little dramatic with it! =)

 Hanging clothes out to dry on a clothesline seemed like a mile marker in our journey towards simplifying life. I know it isn't really a huge deal but sometimes the little routine changes feel like they have the biggest impact. The entire process makes you slow down and be in the moment. The sunshine, birds chattering in the background, the munchkins running rampant through the field behind the house practically spilling over pure joy. Perfection.

They were tracking a bear by the way. Apparently the wild animal population around here contains larger animals than I was aware of. Haha. I love their imaginations!!!

I am sure some people thought we were crazy to move into a little (aka: tiny) rental in the country, and we had several people asking in amazement if we would all be able to fit. =) What they didn't realize is it was exactly what we were looking for. We like being together in a very literal sense so we weren't looking for more square footage to spread out in. Our entire wish list for our next place consisted of only three items. 
- We wanted to be out of town. 
-We wanted space for the kiddos to run. 
-We wanted to be able to put a garden in this summer.

This place fit all of those perfectly and from the first week that we moved the entire atmosphere of our house shifted. Everyone seemed more relaxed and peaceful and it felt like home in a way our previous apartment never had. I soon realized that the sun came up over the field directly in front our our house and I love getting up in the morning, opening all of the window blinds and watching the bright golden rays stream in. Despite my intense aversion to the early hours of the morning, sunrises are very special to me. They are a tangible reminder that the darkness will end and light will come. I never see a sunrise without thinking of God's faithfulness to me.

Knowing that God is faithful in general is wonderful. Seeing the specific ways that He is faithful to you personally, is invaluable.  No matter how life is going at this moment I promise you that God is faithful in a very personal, individual way! Take a minute to breathe and recognize that today!

~ Keep Dreaming!


  1. Good for you! Nothing smells as good as clean clothes that have been hung out to dry in fresh air. Well, maybe newborns ;). But they do smell amazing. Glad you're intentionally simplifying. Good stuff.

    1. Thanks Aleen, I totally agree with you in the newborn department! =)
