Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Birthday Time!!!

We pause our regularly scheduled programing to bring you breaking news....today is this guy's birthday!!!!!!

He will probably give me his grumpy face later for writing this, but I have already decided that it is totally worth it.  I mean what is the point in having a blog if you can't write a mushy post about your spouse from time to time??? ;)
(FYI that was your warning, feel free to bail now if mushy isn't your thing!)

You see, Jeremy started making some crazy choices in his life almost two years ago. He made the choice to throw out some preconceived ideas about how his life was going to look. He made the choice to get involved in a messy and complicated situation. He made the choice to be unfazed by baggage and to walk down a healing journey through wounds he did not create. He made the choice to show up. Day in and day out. He made the choice to commit, not to one person, but to three and never once looked back. And here's why it's a big deal: He. Didn't. Have. To. At any point he could have stopped, changed his mind, said it was too much, walked away. But he didn't.

Instead he was all in and steady as a rock.

He traded a carefree lifestyle for an instant family. He traded evenings hanging out with friends for storybooks and bedtime prayers. He traded a flexible income to become the sole provider so that I could stay home with our kiddos.

He became daddy. Watching him love and father our kiddos is hands down the sweetest thing in the entire world to me. It blows my mind to look at our family and see the ways that God has seamlessly woven us together.

So this is to the man who blesses me beyond belief. The one who knows me better than I know myself. My best friend and all time favorite person to dream with. The daddy of our children. The person I will gladly let hog 75% of our bed in return for warming up my ice cold feet! ;) Happy Birthday Jeremy!!! I am looking forward to so many adventures with you!!! 

I love you!!!


  1. And now I am crying at work! We ALL have been blessed by Jeremy!!!!
