Tuesday, April 28, 2015


Ok y'all, it is officially spring! =) We celebrated Mother's Day early in our household. My amazing husband took our kiddos shopping while I enjoyed some rare alone time and they surprised me with some beautiful flowers!
Then he broke in our new charcoal grill by making us a fantastic lunch! It was perfect! On a side note, grilled corn on the cob should be included in every meal from here to the end of time. We are talking sweet, garlic buttery goodness topped with parmesan cheese and a sprinkle of salt. Oh. My. Word. If we had the necessary ingredients I would be tempted to fire up the grill right now for a midnight snack! =) But I digress. Back to Mother's Day!

Recognizing occasions like my birthday or Mother's day on the correct day used to be very important to me. They were days that I didn't have to prove my worth or fight for affirmation. I could simply look at the calendar and know that I was supposed to be celebrated. Whether it happened or not, on those days I knew that I had earned it. Now I couldn't care less. Celebrate Mother's day two weeks early? Sure why not! Going to be busy over my birthday? Ok, no problem! So what changed? Two words. Jeremy Chrystie. This man has completely and without a doubt ruined me forever and in the best possible way. Because now I know what it is like to be celebrated, encouraged, believed in and cherished not just because a calendar or society dictates a day that I should be, but because that is his heart towards me every day. He believes in me in a way that breathes life into parts of my soul that I never knew existed. It doesn't matter what happens on national holidays when every day he is speaking truth to me.

So what truth do you need to hear today? Do you need to hear that you are valuable? Precious? Loved? That you are enough? Do you need a reminder in all of your mess and chaos, that this isn't the end of your story? That God himself is breathing life into your very soul? That He has good plans for you?  For your children?

Or maybe the question is what truth do you need to speak to someone else today? Who in your life could use a cheerleader right now? Who could desperately use an encouraging word? Who needs to look into your eyes and find compassion and hope staring back at them?

It doesn't have to be intimidating. Don't over think it. The next time that friend comes to mind, send that text message, make a quick phone call. Reach out with a hug to that person standing in worship at church, unable to sing for the tears streaming down their face. Give a compassionate smile and a quick "I've been there, you're going to make it." to the mom struggling with the screaming toddler in the checkout line. You don't have to know every detail, have perfect theology, or rehearse every line to be effective. You just have to show love. That's it. Think about your darkest day. Did you need someone with all of the answers or did you simply need someone. A human connection. The knowledge that you weren't alone. That you were loved. Think about what you need and offer that to someone else - chances are they need it too. And chances are that if we get intentional about speaking truth to the people around us, they just might start speaking truth to their people as well, and this whole community thing will just keep going.

Keep Dreaming!


  1. Jeremy is an awesome guy! Love that we can call him family! I personally love how he took in the kids and how they LOVE him =) Good word Bethany!
