Thursday, April 16, 2015

Epic Words! ;)

I finally created a blog and now it is time for my FIRST post! Prepare to be amazed........*crickets chirping*...........yeah I've got nothing. Lol. Here's the thing. In my mind right now I have about 8 blog post ideas floating around. I know what I want to say and even the pictures that I will post with them. But none of them seem "first post" worthy. There is this pressure to start out solid. Like the beginning of something just has to be epic and monumental. Is that even realistic??? If we went back and looked at the "firsts" of a random group of things, people, places, etc. would we find brilliant, earth-shattering moments or one simple step? Or maybe simple steps actually are our earth-shattering moments.

So here I am taking a simple step. I feel like I am starting a new journey and at the same time already halfway down the road. I once saw a pinterest quote that said, "My entire life can be summed up in one sentence: It didn't go as planned, and that's ok.". Not only is that the absolute truth, I am ever so thankful for it. God's grace is an amazing thing and experiencing that in all of the twists and turns that my life has taken is truly beautiful. I have many goals for this blog (to be a creative outlet, to share day to day adventures and diy projects, etc.) but first and foremost I want this to be a real space. Raw, messy, imperfect and beautiful. A place of encouragement, hope and grace. Because THAT is what really matters. We don't actually need five more cupcake recipes (although let's be serious, dessert ministry should be a thing) or the latest ten step program to keep our homes more organized. What we need is connection. A sisterhood. Where we can cut each other some slack in the areas that don't really matter and instead focus on simply loving each other well.

Here's to community! To doing this life thing together because that is where we will all thrive.

Keep Dreaming!


  1. I love being real except I think the mask goes on a lot

    1. I know, I think it is hard because we feel like our masks protect us so it seems counter intuitive to take it off. Just keep at it, you can do it! =)

  2. "Or maybe simple steps actually are our earth-shattering moments." That's an awesome line girl!! Dawn
